Friday, February 24, 2012

Just A Little Longer

Being a mother is never easy. And i am not the best mom, though every single day i try to be a better mom. Even dengan anak 2 pun masih tak pass lagi dalam banyak hal. Still tanya other friends on tips nak handle anak. Every kids is different. Banyak methods yang i used to train Milan do not work for Sophie. Milan is quite good in speech while Sophie is more towards motor skills and a little bit slow in speech. So, memang lain.

And how it is possible to handle 2 kids with different attitudes and attributes at the same time and not losing your coolness? Susah, memang susah. But ladies, i am not complaining. I am just saying. Good for you if you can handle your 'soccer team' kids and still looks cool. Still sempat nak komen about you being 'supermom' dkt FB wall orang. Eh, tersentap plak.

*ok, Sophie just put a toy in my vegetable soup. Hmmm..., breathe in, breathe out

The point is, i adore those moms yg cool. Yang tak tangankan anak langsung. How nak jadi macam tu?

After i read this from Redmummy, i broke down and cried.

Please dear Lord, grant me with the highest level of patience in handling my kids. And please let us love each other a little longer. Just a little longer.


Gna Eb said...

Mummy Milan, baca nuan Mazidul Akmal blog he write in details about adik Faris. Aku macha labuh ai mata anang ke kita ngembuan anak.

CarolRG said...

Au, alu bedau ku maca. Bc meda urg post ba fb. Ok, saya baca sekarang :)

Puteri said...

Awak, kita tak nampak link red mummy tu..nak baca gak.

Kita pun sedaya upaya tak nak jerit marah tangan kan anak..tapikan apakan daya, we are only human.

Right now kita nak try baca banyak2 parenting articles on how to handle our kids. I think knowledge can help us how to be better.

CarolRG said...

OK,kita dah letak dah link tu awak.


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