Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Inner Beauty

So we cut the cake after about an hour cooling it in the fridge. I was so suprised! Inner beauty much eh? At least i thought so. Both girls are under the weather today. And mommy is feeling like a 'zombie'. Badan pun sakit2 sebab kiri kanan ngek2 last night.

Laters, xoxo


Anonymous said...

This your Pisa tu ke? Cantik! Must be yummy too!

Totally understand the badan sakit tu. Tido duduk adalah posisi wajib for me!

CarolRG said...

Aah awak. My Pisa tu, haha. Kita ter'kagum' sendiri masa potong. Terus cepat2 ambik gambar. Yummy but the frosting is way too sweet.


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